Bishop Shanahan

On June 6th, 1920, Fr Joseph Shanahan was ordained Bishop of Onitsha in south-east Nigeria, where he had been on mission for twenty years. His mission was to bring God’s love to the people.  After dying in Kenya in 1943, his body was brought back to be buried in Onitsha Cathedral among his people.

Let Us Pray with Bishop Shanahan

Lord That I May See!

Almighty God, You blessed your servant Joseph Shanahan with a deep sense of your presence in all of all of life. You inspired him with a great missionary zeal to spend his life in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Grant that we also experience Your Presence in our lives and give us the same generosity and enthusiasm for the spreading of the Good News.

We ask that, if it be in accordance with Your Will, the holiness of his life may be acknowledged by the church for the glory of Your Name. Hear our prayer that through his intercession we may obtain the favours we now request.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


“God is our good Father and He alone knows what is best for us and He always does what is best for us.”

“Love and trust Him with love and trust unbounded.”


Please inform the Vice-Postulator, Holy Rosary Sisters Convent, 23 Cross Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, or

Holy Ghost Fathers, Temple Park, Dublin 6, of favours attributed to the intercession of Bishop Shanahan.


with ecclessiatical permission.


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