Go Ye Afar, An African Memoir by Dr Eileen Keane, Holy Rosary Sister. “This is a story that needs to be told,” said Dr Edmond Prendiville at the launching of Sister Eileen’s book, on Saturday October 30th 2021 in the Jesuit Provincialate, Milltown Park, Dublin. Eileen is a born story teller and describes vividly what it was like to be a missionary doctor in Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia and South Africa from the 1960’s on. It is also a love story to the people of Africa. But it is not only Eileen’s story. Countless missionaries, Holy Rosary, Medical Missionary, Columban, Kiltegan, OLA, and many others went out to Africa, Asia and South America inspired by the Gospel and did wonderful things, but also simple everyday things for and with the people they had come to serve, but theirs is a story that is not known in the modern world. Thank you Eileen for telling the story so well. Proceeds from the sales of the book go to the CPS Trust, Ireland, in support of education, training and healthcare projects in Zambia.
Go ye afar